Deep Silver on Thursday announced that its open-world zombie game Dead Island 2 has been delayed out of 2015 and into next year. The reason?
Deep Silver wants to make a game that's true to their vision. This process is taking longer than previously expected.
"And we wanted to have all of that that done for release in spring 2015. We have been looking at the game long and hard, and we have decided we didn't reach that goal we set out to achieve quite yet. This is why we have decided to delay Dead Island 2 to 2016."
"Right now we are focusing purely on development, and we will have more info to share at a later stage. We know that our fans will be disappointed by this news, but by giving Dead Island 2 more time we are confident that everyone will get a better game to play as a result."
The game will feature melee combat, role-playing game elements, and "never-before-seen" handcrafted weapons, according to Deep Silver. In Dead Island 2, which is powered by Unreal Engine 4, you'll visit places like the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and Venice Beach.
There's also "seamless" multiplayer for up to eight players. You can "cooperate, compete, or simply coexist," Deep Silver says. It's all part of this "new-gen multiplayer experience." Finally, Dead Island 2 features a handful of dedicated classes that offer unique gameplay, including the action-focused Berserker and the stealth Hunter.
Our Opinion
I am extremely excited about this game ever since the teaser trailer was shown at E3. So, of course I am disappointed that I have to wait longer for the game to be released. On the other side I am happy that the developer is not trying to rush a game for a quick buck like other (Insert money hungry company here) and then just disappoint fans and possible ruin a franchise. So of course I will wait patiently untill a good final product is made and I can enjoy it properly.
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