Easily the biggest story of the day was Sony's debut of the new trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man. And of course, not even 24 hours after its release, someone spotted a hidden viral message pointing to another viral website viral thing... that's viral.
Collider was the first to notice this image:
The words "Mark of the Spider-Man," embedded in the graphic, directed them to MarkoftheSpider-Man.com, which brings up a plain, grey webpage featuring six static-filled boxes and the Spider-Man logo at the bottom. As far as we can tell, none of these boxes nor the logo are clickable. However, if you happen to have a keen spider-sense or, likewise, a mountain of time on your hands, this may be the answer to your mesmerizing boredom.
But if you just want to skip all that stuff, I would suggest you watch this trailer again instead:
[source ign.com]
Collider was the first to notice this image:
The words "Mark of the Spider-Man," embedded in the graphic, directed them to MarkoftheSpider-Man.com, which brings up a plain, grey webpage featuring six static-filled boxes and the Spider-Man logo at the bottom. As far as we can tell, none of these boxes nor the logo are clickable. However, if you happen to have a keen spider-sense or, likewise, a mountain of time on your hands, this may be the answer to your mesmerizing boredom.
But if you just want to skip all that stuff, I would suggest you watch this trailer again instead:
[source ign.com]
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