Thursday, February 23, 2012

Is Star Wars: Battlefront 3 in Development?

Is developer Spark Unlimited making a Star Wars: Battlefront game? Some people seem to think so, but it's hard to say.

They are definitely making...something. The southern California developer is currently hiring multiple positions for two seperate games. One is "a 3rd Person Action/Adventure sequel in a high-profile science fiction franchise," while the other is "a bold new take on 3rd Person Action/Horror" based on an established franchise. Sites like Playstation Lifestyle have combined these job listings with teases from the developers' Twitter, as well as a linkedin profiles from previous employees, and concluded that it could be Star Wars: Battlefront 3. The prior employees in question specifically site experience working on both a "shooter" and a "sword fighting game."

Could it be Star Wars: Battlefront 3? Sure. But at this point the details are so vague that it's pure speculation. Even if it is a Star Wars game, there's no reason it couldn't be continuing something like the Jedi Knight series, or even a Clone Wars game taking advantage of the popular animated series.

So to recap, here's what we know for sure. It's a game being developed in conjunction with a "major publishing partner," it's a third person action/adventure title being developed for PC, 360 and PS3, and, if the job description for the Multiplayer Engineer is any indication, it will have multiplayer and cooperative components.

Battlefront 3? Who knows, but it's sure fun to imagnie the possibilities.


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