Sunday, December 14, 2014

Mark Hamill Says Star Wars: The Force Awakens Droid Is Real Not CGI

Fulfilling J.J. Abrams' promise for more practical effects in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, actor Mark Hamill has now confirmed that BB-8 -- the soccer ball-looking droid from the teaser -- is a physical prop, not CGI. Also, the actor curiously mentions the word "offspring" when talking about the film's new characters...

Speaking to Yahoo! Movies, Hamill noted his initial apprehensiveness. "I said, 'How are you ever gonna top R2-D2, the most adorable droid in movie history?'”

Hamill goes on to describe his experience on the set with BB-8, saying, "And when they were demonstrating how they did this thing, live on set — because it’s not CGI, that’s a live prop — I was just amazed."

The Luke Skywalker actor took delight in hanging out with BB-8, noting, "They let me play around with it. [Laughs] I was running it all around at the creature shop up in Pinewood. I’m telling you, it’s an absolute delight. And not having thought that I’d ever go back there, to go back into that world, is just – I get the chills. It’s just so much fun."

When Hamill was asked if he was surprised by not being put in the Force Awakens' teaser, he clarified, "Not really." Hamill backed that up by saying how the new films must focus on the younger cast. "This must be our offspring and the current generation, with us there lending the kind of support that Peter Cushing and Alec Guinness did in the original."

"Offspring" is certainly an interesting choice of words. Could the rumours of the film following Han & Leia or Luke's children be true?

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