Monday, March 5, 2012

Making Sense of the Valve Steam Box Rumors

It's no secret that PC gaming needs a shot in the arm, and if a recent report from The Verge is to be believed, Valve hopes to deliver one with the Steam Box, a console-sized PC that can compete with consoles and the growing popularity of mobile platforms like Android and iOS.

There's still much we don't know about the alleged device and/or platform -- not the least of which is whether or not it actually exists -- but there's certainly reason to consider it as within the realm of possibility. Despite being responsible for some of the biggest franchises in gaming, a large portion of Valve's business is anchored in the success of Steam, its digital distribution client for PC and Mac. In order for the service to grow, PC gaming has to move beyond the enthusiast market. It has to be mainstream and the Steam Box could be Valve's ace in the hole for making that happen.
The concept, murky as it may be, may actually be pretty sound.

PC gaming has always been marred by the perception that it's a costly pursuit reserved almost exclusively for those with the know-how, resources and interest to build or purchase a
system capable of matching the ever-escalating minimum specs of current titles. Of course, there is an element of truth to that belief, but the larger problem is that neither the hardware nor the software--or more importantly, a meaningful combination of the two--has existed to successfully make PC gaming more accessible.

The original report suggests that what Valve is currently developing is not a singular device, but rather the software and a set of minimum system specs for a new gaming PC category; console-sized PC hardware with enough power to play most current titles but not break the bank. Valve is allegedly working with hardware partners to produce Steam Box-capable devices and that originally, the Alienware X51 was intended to be counted among them.

At $699, the Alienware X51 is as cheap as a preconfigured system of that size and power can get. Any further cost reduction would sacrifice performance. It's possible that Valve could subsidize Steam Box-branded machines in the hopes of recuperating the costs through the added volume of software sales or by charging a monthly fee for the service, but that would undoubtedly come at high risk and/or alienate its user-base.

In either scenario, Valve could potentially lead by example, developing a machine of its own that would be small enough to fit into your home entertainment center, cost-effective and relatively powerful to serve as the poster child for the platform. It would leave the door open for third-party manufacturers to follow suit while establishing a foundation for the concept, not to mention plenty of revenue for Valve.

But software could play as critical of a role in the Steam Box concept as hardware.
Any PC can be hooked up to your home theater and used to play games, but the primary control method is still a mouse and keyboard. While it may not be an obstacle for savvier users like myself and undoubtedly many of you, it is one of the many reasons consoles are more accessible to mainstream audiences.

According to The Verge, the Steam Box platform will be built upon Valve's Big Picture mode, a 10-foot GUI (an interface that is optimized for use at a distance of 10 feet, or roughly the distance from a TV to a couch) that was announced at GDC last year. While Valve has offered little insight into what the interface will be like, the Steam website description for the feature states:
"Heading to the living room—or anywhere there’s a big screen—is Steam’s soon-to-be-released big-picture mode, offering simple, easy-to-read navigation designed specifically for TV. With full controller support, big-picture mode will let gamers kick back and enjoy their favorite games on the biggest screen in the house."

Steam Box is undoubtedly the full realization of this concept, likely giving player the ability to boot their home theater PC directly into Big Picture mode, not unlike a traditional game console would. Unlike a console, which is limited by meager hardware and limited software, a Steam Box could potentially switch to a full desktop view and access a wide variety of programs or websites.

The value proposition to mainstream consumers would actually be simple: the simplified UI and social features of a game console with the power and versatility of a PC that is usable from your couch at a relatively affordable price. It may not be enough to make the Steam Box platform a key player in the market, but it could potentially reinvigorate consumer interest in PC gaming and yield sizable gains in Steam adoption from a more diverse market of players.

But where would that leave enthusiast PC gamers? If Valve is as interested in producing an open platform as The Verge suggests, existing PC players may actually benefit from the Steam Box. In a perfect world, Valve will make the Steam Box software, or namely the Big Picture mode, available to any PC, allowing users to utilize machines that far exceed the minimum specs, should they choose. Devices branded as Steam Boxes would simply exist as compact, entry-level alternatives for the mainstream market. Naturally, longevity is a concern, but if the price is right, the baseline spec is powerful enough and each Steam Box could be upgraded over time, it could prove to be a non-issue.
Of course, I'm just spitballing here and the Steam Box could be a far cry from the platform and products detailed by The Verge. Fortunately, with the official announcement allegedly coming as soon as next week, it may not be long before we find out for sure.

What do you make of the Steam Box rumors? Share your theories and hopes in the comments section below.

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